FREE Going Into Business Seminar Coming to Palestine This June
April 2, 2020
Palestine, Texas is an excellent place to launch and grow a business, but many entrepreneurs don’t know how to start the process and are unaware of the local resources that are available to them. The six week Going Into Business Seminar seeks to bridge that gap by providing local entrepreneurs and businesses owners with the information, tools, resources and individual assistance they need to succeed.
When asked about the motivations for launching the seminar, Tish Shade, President/CEO of the Palestine Area Chamber of Commerce said, “Going into business is hard. I want all of our future business owners to be armed with all the knowledge they can get in order to help them survive. This seminar provides business owners with the tools they need to be successful.”
About Palestine’s Going Into Business Seminar
Trinity Valley Small Business Development Center and Palestine Area Chamber of Commerce are partnering to bring the six week Going into Business Seminar to Palestine. Classes begin on June 2nd at the Palestine Chamber of Commerce, and will be held from 5 pm to 7 pm. “We are so thankful that the Palestine Chamber of Commerce is partnering with us and look forward to accelerating business startups in Palestine,” said Miranda Perry, Business Advisor
Trinity Valley Small Business Development Center.
The seminar will be led by Trinity Valley SBDC Director Michael Ellsberry and will cover topics such as -
- Evaluating business opportunities
- How to create a business plan
- Managing fixed and variable costs
- How to run a breakeven analysis
- Financing small business startups
- Cash flow projections and assumptions
- Business accounting
- Marketing and social media
- Forms of organization
- Tax issues
- Employee opportunities
In addition, seminar participants will receive no-cost business consulting each week from a Trinity Valley SBDC business advisor. This one-on-one coaching is designed to provide specific guidance and support for individual challenges that entrepreneurs and business owners may be facing.
Who should attend Palestine’s Going Into Business seminar?
According to Miranda Perry, Business Advisor for Trinity Valley Small Business Development Center, the seminar is best for those who have a business concept selected and need startup assistance. The course topics will be covered in depth and participants will receive consulting with a Trinity Valley SBDC business advisor each week so there will be opportunities for in-depth coaching.
It’s Important to Support Local Startups
“Small businesses are the economic hearts of our community by providing employment opportunities and a greater amount of choices for local consumers. Small businesses help our communities to grow and thrive,” said Perry.
“We wanted to launch this seminar because small businesses keep our city going. They are the heart and soul of our community and we want to support them,” said Shade.