Texans Can Finally Buy Beer Directly From Breweries
September 4, 2019
The Beer-to-Go law went into effect September 1 after a long, protracted legislative battle.
On Sunday, September 1, just in time for Labor Day, breweries across the state toasted to a long-awaited landmark moment: The Beer-to-Go law finally went into effect, allowing Texas craft brewers to sell beer directly to customers.
Before Governor Greg Abbott signed House Bill 1545 in June, breweries had the right to sell on-site but were prohibited from selling beer to go. (Wineries and distilleries have long been allowed to sell on-site.) With Abbot’s signature, Texas became the 50th state to legalize the arrangement for breweries, shifting the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, the appointed public agency charged with regulating and taxing booze in the state for the last 84 years, into the 21st century.